DIY Tips to Ease Knee Pain

By ProOrtho on
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As the largest joint in the body, the knees are more prone to accidents and injuries than any other. Thankfully, there are a number of treatments available to help you overcome knee pain, many of which you can try for yourself. However, make sure to assess the severity of your pain before treating yourself – while mild and moderate pain can be treated on its own, anything more severe should be evaluated by a knee doctor.

The knee surgeons at ProOrtho can test and diagnose knee problems to determine whether or not surgery or professional treatment is required. However, if you’re dealing with a less intensive knee injury, try these DIY remedies for knee pain relief:

Keep Active
It may seem counterintuitive, but too much rest can lead to joint stiffness and weaken your muscles, making your knee pain worse. Consistent exercise maintains cartilage and muscle tone to ease pressure on your joints, and can even delay the onset of osteoarthritis. If you’re feeling unsure about what exercises are safe for your knees, consult with the sports medicine experts at ProOrtho.

Eat Accordingly
Small changes can make a substantial difference when it comes to diet and knee pain. There is a direct causation between extra weight and stress on the knee joint, so weight-loss can provide relief. Try anti-inflammatory diets rich in fresh produce with foods like nuts, seeds, berries, fish, onion, and olive oil, while making sure to avoid processed foods.

Check Your Footwear
Sometimes the biggest help you can do yourself is to do no harm. Without proper cushioning and insolation under your feet and ankles, knee problems can arise or worsen. Try wearing insoles in your shoes that provide ample shock absorption, arch and heel support, and reduce wear and tear on your joints.

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation – this tried and true method for easing joint pain is highly effective for at-home first aid. Sit back and rest your feet on an elevated surface, while wrapping ice or another cold compress to the knees. Keep another layer, like a towel, between the skin and ice. The wrapping should not be so tight as to restrict blood flow, but it should hold the cold compress in place to reduce swelling. If you experience pain, numbness, or increased swelling, discontinue icing.

Don’t let knee and joint pain keep you from living an active, healthy lifestyle. Whether it’s a DIY remedy or knee replacement surgery, ProOrtho knee orthopedics in Seattle can help you get back to living your life pain free. Contact ProOrtho today to learn more.



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