How Physical Activity Benefits Joint Health

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According to an article by Katie Peikes on Delaware Public Media, a recent study by the University of Delaware has disproved previous assumptions about the impact of physical activity on joint health. While common knowledge used to maintain that strenuous activity could wear down cartilage, the team, lead by UD biomedical engineering professor Chris Price, said that being physically active actually helps keep cartilage healthy. Developing an exercise plan, even when suffering from osteoarthritis, can help lessen pain, although a doctor or orthopedic physician should be consulted to ensure the right regime is chosen for each patient.

The study claims this has to do with how water leaks out of cartilage —physical activity pushes the fluid back in, helping joints lubricate themselves. Ideally, because of this process, the tissue should be able to withstand up to 50 years of wear and tear before sustaining serious injury.

“If we didn’t have cartilage, we would have bone on bone articulation and that would be very rough and that would wear away very quickly,” Price told Delaware Public Media. “The cartilage acts as a very slippery material.”

Though there are more experiments to be conducted, this research will not only provide insights on how joints work and how to improve their functioning, but could also lay the groundwork for developing longer-lasting artificial joints.

However, exercise is just one facet of improving joint health and lessening pain. ProOrtho’s network of eastside orthopedic clinics and expert orthopedic doctors specialize in surgical and non-surgical treatments for musculoskeletal issues and pain management.

If your pain is impeding your ability to lead a normal active lifestyle, you might consider joint replacement surgery. Ask your doctor for a referral or make an appointment with one of our eastside orthopedic surgeons to discuss your options and the path to a more enjoyable life.

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