National Provider Identifier

The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a standard unique health identifier for health care providers that was adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services Act of 1996 (HIPAA).

Below is the NPI information for our ProOrtho providers and Physician Assistants:

Jamie Antoine, MD: 1114022969

Robin Fuchs, MD: 1871562595

Jonathan Hall, MD, FAAOS: 1548431158

Samuel Koo, MD, MPH: 1467626374

Timothy Locknane, MD: 1639224074

Daniel Nelson, MD: 1205878469

J. Scott Price, MD: 1083673834

James Pritchett, MD: 1265421382

Neil Roberts, MD: 1972549129

Marco Wen, MD: 1942245733

Nathaniel Wingert, MD: 1669797403

Physician Assistants

Yuri Bobko, PA-C: 1487665782

Sarah Goble, PA-C: 1427300565

Garrett Gray, PA-C: 1265776470

John MacDonald, PA-C: 1518326529

Laura Matsunami, PA-C: 1205459328

Vasile Oros, PA-C: 1225503873

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